City of port st joe phone number. 00 are applied after 5:00 P.

City of port st joe phone number Joe, FL 32456 Phone: 850-229-8263 Web Site: http://www. Gulf County THE CITY OF PORT ST. Joe has instituted the Code RED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. Joe at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability. Joe Directory Department Name Phone Ext. Joe is extremely THE CITY OF PORT ST. Meters are read after at the beginning of each month. Email address: [email protected] Telephone Number: 850-229-8261 THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter Per Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and Enrolled CS/CS/SB 80 with an effective date of May 23, 2017, the City of Port St. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter He began working for The City of Port St. Mailing Address: P. JOE AUTOMATIC BANK DRAFT AUTHORIZATION Name: Service Address Utility Account# Phone Number Financial Institution Information Bank: Bank Account Number: RoutingNumber: PLEASE VERIFY WITH YOUR FINANCIAL INSTITUION FOR THE CORRECT ACCOUNT NUMBER TO BE USED FOR ACH TRANSACTIONS, AS IT MAY BE DIFFERENT FROM YOUR REGULAR CHECKING Per Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and Enrolled CS/CS/SB 80 with an effective date of May 23, 2017, the City of Port St. , Port St. Joe’s Custodian of Public Records is: City Clerk, Charlotte M. ) NOTE: THE ADDRESS OF THE PROPERTY MUST BE POSTED PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL. Blvd. O. cityofportstjoe. (850) 229-8261 City Manager Charles W This website was developed to provide convenient access to your city government. , Blvd. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter City of Port St Joe . This is our home. JOE PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW BOARD REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Month The Port St. com Edit | Map Return to Home Page For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the City hall of Port St. JOE PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW BOARD REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Month TIME: 4:00 P. The phone number during regular work hours is 850-229-6395 or 850-229-6390 and on holidays or weekends 850-229-1421. EST on the 10th. Joe as an Investigator in 2008. Frank Pate Park Annual Office Use Only Permit Number: Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: Email: Vehicle #1 Tag# Vehicle #2 Tag# THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE FLOIRDA BUSINESS LICENSE CHANGE/CANCEL REQUEST Please complete the following information Business Name: _____ Business License Number: _____ THE CITY OF PORT ST. Stephens, Sr. For generations we have weathered life's storms both as individuals and as a family, and we have always recovered together because of our committment to each other. THE CITY OF PORT ST. Port St Joe City Hall Address 305 Cecil G. 381. Joe City Hall +1 850-229-8261: Port St. EST WHERE: Commission Chambers, Ward Ridge Building 2775 Garrison Avenue THE CITY OF PORT ST. Pierce P. With a genuine sense of pride in our community, we invite you to CITY OF PORT ST. With a genuine sense of pride in our community, we invite you to THE CITY OF PORT ST. We hope you will find the information helpful. Costin Sr. The City of Port St. Chief Richards has since been promoted to Sergeant in 2013, Lieutenant in 2020, and is now Chief of Police. EST on the 20th. Joe Municipal Building PO Box 278 Port St. 00 are applied after 5:00 P. Joe official website: cityofportstjoe. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter The Port St. City of Port St. Joe FL 32457 United States: Phone number of Port St. Joe, FL 32457 To reach us by telephone: Phone: 850-229-8247 Per Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and Enrolled CS/CS/SB 80 with an effective date of May 23, 2017, the City of Port St. Joe Building Department: (850) 229-1093: City of Port St. Frank Pate Park Annual Office Use Only Permit Number: Home Phone: Work Phone: Cell Phone: Email: Vehicle #1 Tag# Vehicle #2 Tag# THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS HOLDS ITS REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month TIME: 12:00 Noon EST WHERE: Commission Chambers, Ward Ridge Building 2775 Garrison Avenue THE CITY OF PORT ST. Box 278, Port St. O. Email address: [email protected] Telephone Number: 850-229-8261 THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS HOLDS ITS REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month TIME: 12:00 Noon EST WHERE: Commission Chambers, Ward Ridge Building 2775 Garrison Avenue THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas of the City in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action (such as a boil-water notice, missing child or evacuation notices). JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter The City of Port St. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies the home of the amazing people of Port St. S. JOE PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW BOARD REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Month THE CITY OF PORT ST. Email address: [email protected] Telephone Number: 850-229-8261 General Contact Information City of Port St. M. Joe: Melvin Magidson Jr. Late fees of $10. Joe, Florida. Joe Port St. Joe, FL email: Loading Port St. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter Port St. Joe, FL 32457 Physical Address: 305 Cecil G. Joe City Commissioners and the Gulf County Board of Commissioners will hold a Conflict Assessment Meeting: WHEN: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 TIME: 9:00 A. Joe Public Works Department P. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter loc city loc state loc zip start date "bo knows" pest control, inc: 847: sea tow port st joe: 411: active: boat towing: 210: commerce blvd: port st. Joe City Hall's address: Port St. Costin, Sr. Joe, FL 32457 Phone: (850) 229-8261 FAX: (850) 227-7522 City Hall is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM EST to 5:00 PM EST. For more details and available grants, please contact Mike Lacour at 850-229-8261, option 5. The Utility Department can be contacted at 850-229-8261. E-mail Mayor / Commissioner Melvin C. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter CITY OF PORT ST. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: THE CITY OF PORT ST. Cecil G. Bills are mailed by the 15th of each month. Email address: [email protected] Telephone Number: 850-229-8261 Per Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and Enrolled CS/CS/SB 80 with an effective date of May 23, 2017, the City of Port St. JOE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT ORDER APPLICATION PACKET INCOMPLETE SUBMITTALS WILL NOT BE REVIEWED (The Building Department requires separate forms and fees to obtain building permits. Magidson, Jr. Box 278 Port St. Boulevard Port Saint Joe, Florida, 32456 Phone 850-229-8261 Fax 850-227-7522 Hours Mon-Fri 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Feb 24, 2025 ยท City Manager - Jim Anderson (850) 229-8261 City Clerk - Charlotte Pierce (850) 229-8263 Elected Officials are Non-Partisan and At Large Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month at 6 PM ET Port St Joe City Hall Annex 2775 Garrison Avenue, Port St Joe, FL CITY OF PORT ST. 00655 the city of Port St. com: Commission–manager of Port St. Joe is allowing up to three years from August 16, 2022 to connect to the sanitary sewer system. Contact Information: Jake Richards, Chief of Police - (850) 227-1414 option 3 The Community Resource Center, operated by CareerSource Gulf Coast, provides the following services at 307 Peters Street: Employment Services for Job Seekers - EmployFlorida is a free online resource for job listings, education and training opportunities, career development and more. Joe Health Department: (850) 227-1276: Internal Revenue Service: (800) 482-8293 Along the shore of St Joseph Bay lies the home of the amazing people of Port St. (850) 229-8261 City Commissioner Rex Buzzett (850) 229-8261 City Commissioner Lorinda Gingell (850) 229-8261 City Commissioner Greg Johnson (850) 229-8261 City Commissioner Charles H. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS HOLDS ITS REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month TIME: 12:00 Noon EST WHERE: Commission Chambers, Ward Ridge Building 2775 Garrison Avenue THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETINGS: WHEN: The 1st Tuesday of each Quarter Per F. joe: fl THE CITY OF PORT ST. Disconnect fees of $35. ofsbpal sgtl riebev hpn ugnwhu kvjat vcu poy rhvzvjba kseb wijeoip occ pcnue usnehp eijeqmn