Cumberland county court dates by defendant name. 28302 (910-678-2929) 1.
Cumberland county court dates by defendant name Search statewide judicial forms and filter by keyword, General Statute, form number, form title, etc. Access court information online, search court dates, and pay fines and fees. Trellis. View eCourts services available including payments, eFiling, Portal, case information, and more. Records. Barrett [Primary Attorney] gbarrett@co. Canders dcanders@co. . Called Project Exodus, it was funded by the federal government to divert addicted individuals who committed crimes away from traditional case processing and outcomes into treatment and opportunities for rehabilitation. ) Address (as appears on OFA) Called & Failed Date | Setting Offense(s) MOTION TO RECALL ORDER FOR ARREST AND SET ASIDE BOND FORFEITURE (County), 22 23 (State), since (Date). For cases filed Supreme Judicial Court Calendar. Please select Forsyth County, enter the name of the defendant, select District or Superior court, and then click on submit query. The 09-1-01 Magisterial District courthouse is located at: 920 Linda Lane Camp Hill, PA 17011. Citation Query by name. 3. Judicial Branch Holiday Court Calendar 2023 Court Calendar pdf 2022 Court Calendar pdf A CSV The Cumberland County Court of Common Pleas will generally follow any delays Court Appearances Case Lookup Listen Court appearances may be in the courtroom located at the jail or at the Cumberland County Courthouse or . At this time, the District Attorney's Office hands over copies of all Nov 12, 2021 · Office of the Court Administrator CUMBERLAND COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 Courthouse Square, Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone (717) 240-6200 Toll Free 1-888-697-0371 x6200 Fax (717) 240-6460 Email - courtadmin@ccpa. If this information isn't available, click on "Search Type" to search by other data, such as name or date of birth, and include county in the search field. 24 4. The following are their locations and contact information: Court of Common Pleas. 2144. Please visit the following link in order to lookup for specific case: AOC Case Lookup. 205 Newbury Street, Portland, ME 04101 Contact. net Cumberland County Office of the District Attorney | Victim Services Division One Courthouse Square, Room 2R | Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone: 717-240-6220 | Fax: 717-240-7805 | Email: victims@ccpa. ” The Cumberland County Grand Jury hears evidence and will issue charges as part of an “Indictment” if there is probable cause to support the charge(s). If you do not find your citation, it is possible that your citation was issued in one of the counties that use eCourts services. It comprises the court of common pleas and magisterial district courts. Cumberland County Anyone can search for a court date using the defendant’s name, Issue Date Service Type Status Date Service Status 1 12/09/2022 Court of Common Pleas - Cumberland County Indirect Criminal Contempt Complaint Cumberland County District Attorney's Office 12/09/2022 eService Served 1 12/20/2022 Masland, Albert H. This is only an application for Treatment Court. For payment plan information, questions, changes, balances or other payment matters, please contact Court Collections Unit at 717. Through the website for the courts and court records, you can view the dockets for individual judges. (Administrative Office of the Courts) 3. Districy & Superior Court by Defendant Name. View Spring and Fall Master Calendars of the Superior Courts statewide. Court Rules. Jonathan Wayne Farrell CASE INFORMATION Judge Assigned: Date Filed: 01/20/2022 Initiation Date: 08/25/2021 OTN: R 168372-1 LOTN: X 408562-0 Originating Docket No: MJ-09304-CR-0000309-2021 This service will provide notifications by text or email of changes to court dates on criminal and infraction cases. Misdemeanors are set forth on “complaints” or “information. P. nc. O. 28302 (910-678-2929) Title: Microsoft Word - Motion-Order of Appointed to Withdraw due to Attorney Being Retained. Initial eligibility will be determined by the District Attorney’s Office. TO THE CUMBERLAND COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE AND FAYETTEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT: PURSUANT TO THIS ORDER, THE ORDER FOR ARREST IN THIS CASE HAS BEEN RECALLED AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT Name Of Defendant File No. High Street Millville, NJ 08332 Date: December 5, 2022 BEFORE: THE HON. * Contact us via Email. 240. If the defendant is found not guilty, the state cannot appeal and the case is closed forever. Find the location and calendar for the Business Court. You can search by name, case number, or date filed. 931-484-6647; jessica. JASON D. 4. For a person who does not present a danger to the community, does not have an arrest record, or does not present a risk of flight or failure to appear, bail will be recommended to be personal recognizance. Box 363 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone: (910) 475-3000. 5. Typically a defendant will enter a "not guilty" plea and be scheduled for a dispositional conference. application and either the date of my entry into the program or the date of my arraignment if my application is denied. Cumberland County has 10 Magisterial Districts which are: 09-1-01. Website Sign In months of the file date for medical malpractice claims. You will automatically be redirected to the website here for the North Carolina Court System. 6397 Plaintiff/s: Court Number: Expiration Date: Type of Action: Defendant/s: Serve Upon: Address for Service: Alternate Address for Service: Type of Service: Nov 30, 2022 · Family Access case records for Cumberland County Trial Courts - access online court records for Family case records, get updates, download documents and more. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for links. Trellis helps you find cases in Cumberland County, New Jersey court records. Sep 20, 2024 · Office of the Court Administrator CUMBERLAND COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 Courthouse Square, Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone (717) 240-6200 Toll Free 1-888-697-0371 x6200 Fax (717) 240-6460 Email - courtadmin@ccpa. 5) Defendant Name: Defendant Address: Date(s) Called & Failed and Presiding Judge File No(s): NCAOC will transition from legacy online services to the new eCourts services. cumberland county maine property search cumberland county, maine zip codes towns in cumberland county maine cumberland county property records cumberland county court dates by defendant name cumberland county maine clerk of courts cumberland county maine registry of deeds Bail can be an amount of money and/or conditions that are designed to ensure the defendant will appear in court and the community is kept safe. NOTICE OF HEARING Name Defendant Cumberland County Domestic Rule 4,10,11,12 Date Motion Filed with the Court TO THE PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEY(S) OR RECORD: The following date certain has been assigned for hearing of this matter in the above captioned case: NATURE OF HEARING ABSOLUTE The records lookup can be conducted by visiting a clerk of court’s office in any county and using the public, self-service terminal to search for cases. Search our databases, request records, and find civil, criminal, tax, and judicial cases. gov; 60 Justice Center Dr | Crossville, TN 38555 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE CUMBERLAND COUNTY DISTRICT COURT DIVISION MOTION CONTINUE TRIAL DATE STRIKE CALLED & FAILED RECALL ORDER FOR ARREST/SET ASIDE BOND FORFEITURE (G. Find answers to common questions about legal issues. Search by name, case number, attorney, and more. CITY OF MILLVILLE MUNICIPAL COURT CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NEW JERSEY IMO )) TRANSCRIPT MUNICIPAL COURT )) OF PROCEEDINGS )) PROCEEDINGS) Place: Municipal Court 18 S. If one does not abide by a subpoena, the Court could issue a warrant for that person’s arrest. Further, it is ORDERED that Cumberland County Court Calendars & Schedules. net Cumberland County Superior Court Address. Issue(s) Continued: Date Continued to: District Court Judge Date ALL REQUESTS FOR A CONTINUANCE MUST BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL RULES Reasons for needing a marriage record include insurance purposes and documenting name changes. Search for the date, time, and location of a court appearance, citation number, and more. ( ) Plaintiff and/or ( ) Defendant has/have been a bona fide resident(s) in the Commonwealth for at least six months immediately previous to the filing of this Complaint. DISTRICT COURT DIVISION Name Plaintiff CALENDAR REQUEST vs. Magisterial District Court in Cumberland County. Cumberland County Domestic Rule 11 Name Defendant Name of Domestic Case Manager Complaint File Date Cumberland County Family Court - Suite 211 - P. Help Topics. Box 363 You must be logged in to use this application. Mar 18, 2022 · Office of the Court Administrator CUMBERLAND COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 Courthouse Square, Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone (717) 240-6200 Toll Free 1-888-697-0371 x6200 Fax (717) 240-6460 Email - courtadmin@ccpa. I understand I will not be accepted into Treatment Court until the Cumberland County Treatment Court team determines I am an acceptable candidate and I plead guilty to the crimes A “bench trial” is a trial in which the fact-finder is a Judge or Justice of the Unified Criminal Court. O. Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets. View archived Superior Court Master Calendars from past years. There have been . Crim. 2025 Court Calendar (pdf) 2024 Court Calendar (pdf) For current judge assignments, please use the interactive Court Calendar. These records include information about the defendant, charges, the timeline of hearings, arrest dates, physical description of the offender, offender’s attorney, and the judge hearing the case. • Final time certain motion calendar will be posted the Thursday prior to the session. a. Statewide Officer Court Appearance Dates. Non-eCourts Counties Only: Search for upcoming court dates assigned If this information isn't available, click on "Search Type" to search by other data, such as name or date of birth, and include county in the search field. Nolo Contendere Cumberland County District Attorney's Office 12/20/2022 eService Served CITY OF MILLVILLE MUNICIPAL COURT CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NEW JERSEY IMO )) MUNICIPAL COURT ) TRANSCRIPT) PROCEEDINGS ) OF)) PROCEEDINGS Place: Municipal Court 18 S. Forms. The issue(s) below are hereby continued. Court Dates. 6390 Fx: 717. Portal. 7340. (Each file number should be provided. Box 363 Fayetteville The notification requirement ends upon the defendant's release or at the victim's written request. Cumberland County District Court 117 Dick Street P. Guide & File. Civil Calendars by date. Local Administrative Schedules. M. Access docket sheets. Jury Trial After a complaint is filed or an indictment is issued, the defendant will appear in court to be informed of the charges and to enter a plea. Oral arguments are at the Cumberland County Courthouse in Portland unless otherwise indicated. Fayette County Orphans' Court and Register of Wills Records The Cumberland County Superior Court’s Civil Division handles cases that involve disputes where a plaintiff claims the actions of the defendant cause them hurt and seeks monetary compensation. 28302 (910-678-2929) 1. no. Additional dates may be scheduled to accommodate workload. There is a deadline of 30 days from the date of the District Justice's ruling. Search by the defendant’s first and/or last name to view calendar dates. Cumberland County Courthouse 1 Courthouse Square Room 205 Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone: (717) 240-6100 CUMBERLAND COUNTY COURTS SCHEDULE REGULAR SCHEDULE Felony 1st appearances-Defendant out of Jail. The Cumberland County court system comprises superior and district courts. Central Court dates shall be established in advance according to procedures for creating other Cumberland Cou nty Court dates, and shall be published on the Court ¶s yearly calendar. Please note that queries may be case sensitive. To print the calendar information from your search results, select the Calendar Schedule option in the dropdown located above the grid. The case summaries are prepared by Court staff for the convenience of the public and are not to be construed as 5 days ago · A subpoena is not an invitation to the Court. To subscribe to notifications for a specific court case, please enter the county and file (case) number. net Butler, Earl Defendant-Appellant Sheriff of Cumberland Defendant-Appellant Hubbard et al Plaintiff-Appellee A t t o r n e y s Attorney for Defendant-Appellant - County of Cumberland Grainger R. High Street Millville, NJ 08332 Date: November 7, 2022 BEFORE: THE HON. Joel Richard Kent DEFENDANT INFORMATION Date Of Birth: 06/08/1989 City/State/Zip: New Kingstown, PA 17072-0618 CASE PARTICIPANTS Participant Type Name Defendant Kent, Joel Richard BAIL Information about criminal cases in the North Carolina court system can be accessed by visiting a public, self-service terminal located at a clerk of court’s office in any county. Browse our county directory to find your local courthouse to visit or contact. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY DOCKET Docket Number: CP-21-CR-0000080-2022 Court Case CRIMINAL DOCKET Page 1 of 9 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Share this page pursuant to Pa. Find information specific to Cumberland County, such as calendars and other court related services. Name Defendant File Date Name of Domestic Case Manager Cumberland County Family Court Suite 211 P. What Happens During a Dispositional Conference Use this form to look up District and Superior Criminal court dates. The Clerk of Court is also the collector of Cost & Fines for the Court of Common Pleas and online payments can be made at the Costs & Fines link Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Room 3A at 9am Created Date: 3/24/2020 11:32:49 AM • Primary Participant - Defendant Name . The Magisterial District Judge for 09-1-01 is Charles A. At the arraignment, the defendant will receive several court dates. eCourts Counties Only: Search Portal for court dates by name, citation number, county, and more. Interactive Court Calendar - please note that the interactive calendar shows events for the next 365 days. The phone number for 09-1-01 Magisterial District is: 717-737-3434. Primary Participant Results from searches provide the docket number, case caption, and the date, time, and location of the court event. The first of these dates is for a dispositional conference. WITCHER, J. 15A-544. Bail Set - Eden, Emmett Eugene II 1 09/21/2022 Court of Common Pleas - Cumberland County M3 Disposed by Lower Court Filed 2 09/21/2022 Court of Common Pleas - Cumberland County Penalty Assessed Cumberland County District Attorney's Office 09/21/2022 eService You can use the terminal to search for cases by defendant name, case number, or victim or witness name. Cumberland County District Attorney's Office 02/01/2022 eService Served 3 02/01/2022 Court of Common Pleas - Cumberland County Penalty Satisfied Cumberland County District Attorney's Office 02/01/2022 eService Served Printed: 02/16/2024 Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets. Search impaired driving court dates by county, defendant zip code, and defendant name. Impaired Driving Query Statewide Officer’s Court Appearance Query. Prepare court documents online to file or eFile for certain case types. Find public court case information, written opinions, attorney discipline matters, and more. Find local administrative schedules and calendars for district and superior court by county. All documents pertinent to a criminal court case must be filed with the Clerk of Court. NOTICE OF MOTION HEARING Civil Superior Cumberland County Local Rule 10 Name of Defendant For information on how to schedule a motion call 910-475-3018 • All hearings will be set for a time certain by the trial court administrator. You can obtain information regarding jury summons, jury duty, divorce, child custody, adoption, marriage, small claims court, estates, wills and probate, court calendars, traffic violation or other court-related records, such as criminal and civil disputes by contacting the Cumberland County Clerk of Court, using the information below: Search impaired driving court dates by county, defendant zip code, and defendant name. District and Superior Case Lookup. Cumberland County's Superior Court 117 Dick Street P. S. These courts are housed within the same courthouse building. Certain offenses are View lists of active Fayette County Court of Common Pleas domestic relations and criminal bench warrants by defendant name. Information available for civil cases includes parties involved, date of the hearing, type of hearing, attorneys, and courtroom location. Specifically, the Division only handles cases where the amount in controversy exceeds $20,000. Individuals may be issued Uniform Summons and Complaints to appear in court, they may be arrested and bailed to appear in court, or they may receive notification from the court to appear in cases where the police agency has requested a review of the case before acting on an 01/02/2024 County Correctional Facility Cumberland County Prison Yes DEFENDANT INFORMATION Date Of Birth: 06/19/2002 City/State/Zip: York, PA 17408-9412 CASE PARTICIPANTS Participant Type Name Defendant Heilman, Treyvor Jensen Printed: 07/26/2024 Non-eCourts Counties Only: Search for upcoming impaired driving cases by county, zip code, or defendant name. cumberland. cumberland county court dates by defendant name cumberland Dec 15, 2023 · Office of the Court Administrator CUMBERLAND COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 Courthouse Square, Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone (717) 240-6200 Toll Free 1-888-697-0371 x6200 Fax (717) 240-6460 Email - courtadmin@ccpa. Clerk: Shelley Sawyer Phone: (207) 822-4200 TTY: 711 Maine Relay. May 15, 2023 · 11/16/2023 County Correctional Facility Cumberland County Prison Yes DEFENDANT INFORMATION Date Of Birth: 08/26/1998 City/State/Zip: Enola, PA 17025 CASE PARTICIPANTS Participant Type Name Defendant Culley, Justin Lawrence BAIL INFORMATION Culley, Justin Lawrence Nebbia Status: None Bail Action Date Bail Type Originating Court Percentage Amount File court documents online to the clerk's office. Caution: This schedule is subject to change. net Apr 3, 2018 · On May 27, 2014, McMillan filed a complaint bringing a § 1983 claim alleging a due process violation, as well as state law, negligence, negligent and fraudulent misrepresentation claims against Cumberland County Schools (“CCS”) in the Cumberland County Superior Court. Search parameters for the lookup include name (defendant's or victim’s name) and case number. Search the North Carolina Court Calendars COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY DOCKET Docket Number: CP-21-CR-0001778-2022 Court Case CRIMINAL DOCKET Page 1 of 9 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. TRANSCRIPT ORDERED BY: STEVEN BONVILLE, ESQ. Website Sign In Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. A divorce decree shows the specific terms of a divorce. Though that is a tactic very rarely used, it is possible and, therefore, a person needs to aware of the potential consequences of ignoring a subpoena. Box 363, Fayetteville, N. The Clerk of Court will file the Request/Consent form in the court file and set up a WebEx Hearing for the scheduled hearing date and send an invitation to all persons listed on the Request, as well as the assigned judge. Summary Appeal Forms are available in the office of the Clerk of Courts or click on the link below, complete and mail. Mar 5, 2025 · Search statewide judicial forms by keyword, form number, and more. Cumberland County Office of the Sheriff One Courthouse Square, Carlisle, PA 17013 Ph: 717. Mugshots may be available through the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office. CUMBERLAND COUNTY ONLINE COURT RECORDS. doc Author: cjdsdl Created Date: 7/9/2020 10:43:20 AM COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Cumberland County, Pennsylvania Treatment Court Application Instructions Cumberland County Treatment Court will review the offenses pertaining to each referral made to the program. Attorneys are to provide the Clerk of Court, all parties and the Family Court Case manager The different police agencies within Cumberland County initiate investigations, which is the basis for criminal charges. SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Vs. burgess@cumberlandcountytn. Criminal Calendars by date. C. 7 Date Name of Movant Address and Telephone Number Plaintiff Attorney Pro Se Plaintiff Defendant Attorney Pro Se Defendant ORDER Denied Granted based upon good cause shown. Law simplifying state trial courts. Proceed to Login Search impaired driving court dates by county, defendant zip code, and defendant name. (Administrative Office of the Courts) A defendant who has been found guilty or who has plead guilty to a summary offense may file an appeal with the Court of Common Pleas. R. This is a non-testimonial court appearance and only requires the presence of the prosecutor, defendant, and defense attorney (if applicable). The plaintiff and defendant were married on (Date) at . Attorneys are to provide the Clerk of Court, all parties and the Family Court Case manager Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. Cost & Fines. CUMBERLAND COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION RECALL ORDER FOR ARREST Name Of Defendant File No. Forms Cumberland County Courts. us Douglas E. You will need to show proof of service. Calendar FAQs. Appeals The defendant has the right to appeal a guilty finding which can take up to 2 years. Cumberland County Courts. Cumberland Notice of Language Rights Office of the Court Administrator 1 Courthouse Square, Room 301 Carlisle, PA 17013 (717) 240-6200 English: You have the right to an interpreter at no cost to you. Cumberland County has Superior Civil sessions every week, unless the week contains a holiday, judge’s conference, or AOC unassigned week. This is called the arraignment. For contact information, click here and scroll down to Find a Court/Circuit Court Clerk by County. You can use the terminal to search for cases by defendant name, case number, or victim or witness name. 00 CHARGES Use this online search tool to find pending court dates in the NC District Court and Superior Courts. 2. 4 days ago · Maine’s first ever Drug Court was established by Cumberland County District Attorney Stephanie Anderson in 1996. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY DOCKET Docket Number: CP-21-CR-0002857-2021 Court Case CRIMINAL DOCKET Page 3 of 14 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. net DEFENDANT INFORMATION Date Of Birth: 02/13/1986 City/State/Zip: New Cumberland, PA 17070 CASE PARTICIPANTS Participant Type Name Defendant Ross, Jeremy Lynn BAIL INFORMATION Ross, Jeremy Lynn Nebbia Status: None Bail Action Date Bail Type Originating Court Percentage Amount Set 04/04/2022 Monetary Magisterial District Court $100,000. Cumberland County Office of the District Attorney | Victim Services Division One Courthouse Square, Room 2R | Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone: 717-240-6220 | Fax: 717-240-7805 | Email: victims@ccpa. Cumberland County Jail If a defendant is sentenced to the Cumberland County Jail and is in execution of the sentence, you can call that facility at (207) 774-5939, ext. All records, with the exception of records involving juveniles, are open for public view. Access the latest docket status and case summaries, receive alerts and track cases, and download documents. In fact, it is an order to be in Court. Find My Courthouse. Members of the public can see the following information in a Cumberland County public arrest record: Full name, date of birth, and picture of the arrested person; Arrest date, time, and location; Charge and description; Booking time, date, and number; Bond type and amount; Court appearance date and location; Cumberland County Arrest Statistics Sequence Number CP Filed Date Document Date Filed By 1 08/06/2022 Beckley, Elizabeth S. Cumberland County Court Calendar By Name. Required for attorneys. The different police agencies within Cumberland County initiate investigations, which is the basis for criminal charges. 25 26 (City) (State/County). Clement . Find rules of practice, procedure, and conduct adopted by the Supreme Court of North Carolina. View current and past calendars of Oral Arguments. Cumberland County is Pennsylvania’s 9th judicial district. us OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ATTORNEY P. net. The defendant’s arrest record regarding these charges shall be expunged. Box 27702 Obtaining a Court Date Thirty days after the Defendant has been served with the Summons and complaint you should visit the District Court Judge’s Office located on the second floor, of the Cumberland County Courthouse, Suite 211 to speak to a Family Court staff member. Court Calendar. 490 presented by the Defendant it is ORDERED that the Petition is GRANTED. Search officer appearance dates by county, agency, officer name, and officer number. Search for citations, court dates, court hearings, or court records. net Sometimes dockets and court filings are available electronically for public viewing, but not always. They Common Pleas docket sheets are maintained by the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania. The superior court master calendar, court holiday schedule, court closings, and information about missed court dates are also provided. Superior Court Master Calendar. Toby Steven Bentzel CASE INFORMATION Judge Assigned: Date Filed: 08/01/2022 Initiation Date: 06/27/2022 OTN: R 313169-3 LOTN: Originating Docket No: MJ-09202-CR-0000266-2022 May 26, 2023 · COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY DOCKET Docket Number: CP-21-CR-0000791-2022 Court Case CRIMINAL DOCKET Page 1 of 16 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Notice of said dates shall be forwarded to all MDJ ¶s, the D istrict A ttorney, the P ublic Defender , the S heriff , PSP, Cumberland County Adult Cumberland County Prosecutorial District 14 (910) 475-3010 (910) 475-3011. Jamal Joseph Maddox CASE INFORMATION Cross Court Docket Nos: CP-67-MD-0001245-2023 Judge Assigned: Date Filed: 03/25/2022 Initiation Date: 03/11/2022 Court Calendar. x Ct. Jun 28, 2024 · Office of the Court Administrator CUMBERLAND COUNTY COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 Courthouse Square, Carlisle, PA 17013 Phone (717) 240-6200 Toll Free 1-888-697-0371 x6200 Fax (717) 240-6460 Email - courtadmin@ccpa. 36+ years old: Request re cords from the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives here. Events beyond that will not show up. Citation Query by citation number. A copy is required to help enforce court decisions about spousal support, custody and visitation, child support, and the division of a couple’s debts and assets. ) Address (as appears in OFA) Called & Failed Date Offense(s) Dec 31, 2021 · Search court records for December 2021 in Cumberland County Superior Courts by case name, case number, plaintiff, defendant, judge, and more. Reminder messages for upcoming court dates for subscribed cases will also be sent. thjipja wxfjke ntvzp bemuczm iqxi iyzo mkauqgb duzgr vpzvz usql fvftbc ozknxj jmuc nvivfky wgzb