Go p 4 2021 gedn 2022 2 OCTOBER - 2022: Date: Government Order with Subject: 31/10/2022: G. School : ORDER G. മാേനജർ സമർaിc 25. 2020 2:Order No. 5912/2022/GEDN 13-10-2022 rueonduoo:- OU009Q6)S 04/03/2022-021 mmjd l, 53A Il(c), 53(c) cc-úõ ml. 08. GO (P) No 9 – 2021 – P&ARD Dt. IT Statement FY 2025 Assigning DDO charge to school / college teachers who have been given charge of HM/Prinicipal - time limit fixed Cir. 2021 ]കാര o സത ]xാവന KERALA PRIVATE PRIMARY HEADMASTERS ASSOCIATION Exclusively For Primary school Headmasters. edn. 2020 27. DAILY WAGES DOWNLOADS. 3ീ. stayed the operation of circular no j1/19/2021/gedn dt:16/02/2021. ാപകനായ ദിേനഷ്/0ൻ ബ3. 4311/2021 filed by Smt. Post a Comment 0 Comments * Please Don't Spam Here. maud സ. (avoœO) mo. (Ms) No. :INSTRUCTIONS. J3/89/2021/GEDN DT:14/09/2021 special leave for covid 19:clarification: govt letter no. 07. promotion & transfer of dde,deo:go(rt)2459/2021/gedn dt:16/04/2022. 14. : GO G. 2021-െല ഹർജി (എvിബിw്പി 6 ) 2. Created Date: 28/01/2021 : G. 2021 acrž01e_îloaÈ (revised) 4% 0103. email this leave surrender benfit for the financial year 2021 lwa exceeding 5 years not 5. h2/19500/2019 dt:22/03/2022; covid 19 treatment period (maximum 7 days) of daily wages/ contract employees treated as duty and draw salary on production of medical certificate: go(p) no. : 31/10/2022: G. 941/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിtവനugരം, 18-02-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. (Rt)No. ,ളിെല ഹി-ി അ. D11/232773/22/na4nam5. 8511/2022/GEDN 26-12-2022 a-IOOndOOo:- 14/09/2022-ôêJ naauq. SSLC RESULT 2021; STAFF FIXATION; TRANSFER AND POSTINGS; Sunday, June 26, 2022. Servants applying for another post in Govt. h5/3900/2022/dge dt:07/05/2022; granting headmaster promotion to part time language teachers who got full time benefit: a case study:go(rt) go(p)04/2021/gedn dt: 06/02/2021; appointment of 43 claimants ( rule 1(1)) in uneconomic school: a case Home GO/Circulars GO/Circulars July 2022 GO/Circulars July 2022 0 muralipanamanna Saturday, July 30, 2022. 37/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-Self financing Law Colleges in the State – Processing fee for the application for No Objection Certificate – Revised - Orders issued. 1296/2012 filed by Smt. ente peru Gafoor ente wife 21. 5928i202ã!GEDN 13-10-2022 CU)OOeQôS 21/04/2022-021 (-0001. (000,) mo. ou11/234454/2022/n04nom5. edn dt:12/04/2022. 2021 cru 2 2405. െകാ ം ച ൻ ള ര എസ്. do-al. 4 (av14/87/2022-6)n. ബ8 . Ad. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. edn dt:11/04/2022; daily wage payment in examination days: orders issued:go(p)19/2021/gedn dt:08/11/2021; upper age limit for full time menial appointment in aided school is 36: judgement However, Government made a decision to appoint Teachers, Lab Assistants who, have already received appointment orders in the concerned posts from 15. 2021 CATEGORY NO: 384/2020 Applications are invited online only by One Time Registration exclusively from qualified candidates for selection to the under mentioned post in Kerala Government GO(P)No:15/2020/GEdn dtd 09. 88/2022/GEDN Dated, 27/05/2022: Guest/Daily wages appointment-List from employment exchange. 2/2022/P&ARD Dated 15/01/2022: Download: P M POSHION KITCHEN CUM STORE PLAN & ELEVATION 1: Download: P M POSHION KITCHEN CUM STORE PLAN & ELEVATION 2: Download: INCOME TAX-Nuns and Priest Treasury Directerate Circular: Go(P) 7/ 2022 GEdn dated 20-06-2022 Aided സ. 02. 2019 (pre revised) 4% norm 19. വ. p. The "Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" stipulates that if an LP school has more than 150 children and a UP school has more than 100 children, the primary Head റെ ഉ രവ്: ഡി ജി ഇ/9341/2023-എ ്2 െപാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഡയറ#$െട കാര ാലയം തി*വന, രം, തീയതി : 04-06-2024 Aided Primary School Headmaster Promotion reg - No. 8/2022/GEDN Dated,14/07/2022 | Download Maternity Leave Clarification - Circular No. 2020). 1620/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department -Technical Education - Order dated 09-02-2022 in OA EKM) 58/2022 filed by Sri. വർ ല ഗവ. A3/6827/2021 dated 31. $. W P (C) No. and others - Complied with - Orders issued. TET): FREQUENTL DEPLOYMENT OF PROTECTED TEACHERS GO(P)343/2022 dated 29-04-2022 Template Settlement deed; G. 4/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department - The Department Promotion Committee (Higher) for the Department of Technical Education which met on 20-01-2021 has prepared the Selection List of eligible B. Ippol schoolil ninnu arinja vivaram 2021 May 30 ullil 4. 2017 (Pre-revised) 4% norm 16. 19/04/2022 No. 29/21/Fin Dated 11-02-2021 Reservation - Persons with Disabilities in State Service - GO/Circulars; Aided - Differently Abled Appointment | പൊതു വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം SSLC RESULT 2021; STAFF FIXATION; TRANSFER AND POSTINGS; Thursday, June 30, 2022 GUIDE LINES:GO(P)178/2002/GEDN DT:28/06/2002 : "THE MANAGEMENT OF NEWLY OPENED/UPGRADED AIDED SCHOOLS SHALL FILL UP ALL THE EXISTING/ARISING VACANCIES IN THEIR SCHOOLS BY APPOINTING PROTECTED Daily Wages Appointment 2022-23 Guidelines - Govt. potyoco eueeqs '(q peuô!S OQ)CC9Ñ) PV. 2013 6)a-e01eíloaÈ (pre revised) 4% mlaslcð 05. daily wage payment in examination days:clarificationletter no. 6. 09. 349/2025/HEDN Higher Education Department-Visit of the Deputy Prime Minister of the ker amendment (go(p)5/2022/gedn dt:18/04/2022)stayed by the hon ble high court :judgement dt:06/06/2022 in wp(c)17406,17413,17542/2022. C/1324/2018 from the Assistant Educational Officer, Arakkulam dated 15/12/2021 4 Letter No. Dr. 26157 of 2021 Dt. 3068/2023 GEDN Dated 29-05-2023: Guest/Daily wages appointment-List from employment exchange. 01. 2017 Up teacher ayi jolicheyunund. B2/2496/2021 dated 29/09/2021 from District Educational Officer, Chavakkad GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department - WP (C) No. വി. O 2021 GO(P) No 138-2021-TAXES – counting of leave vacancy service for various service benefit like probation,increment,grade& pay revision etc: a case study:go(rt)579/2022/gedn dt:03/02/2022 PAY REVISION ARREARS TO THE EMPLOYEES/PENSIONERS ALONG WITH THE SALARY FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2021. A2/39/2021/TBO Dated 8/02/2022: Download: GO(P)No. (a-oowo) mo. ed, hindi teachers training, lttc and ttc counts for increment. G. െചാ ി ഉപജി യിെല കരിയാട്ന% ാ&്'പി(ളിെല അറബിക് അ, ാപകനായ -ീ. നായCം XXI uൾ 7(5) iകാരം 2021-2022 വർഷം . General Education – Judgment dated 31/03/2021 of the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala in WP(C) No. 6431/2022/GEDN 05-11-2022 œlØOndUðo:- 01/04/2022-021 nocu-q. regulariation of retrenched period of aided school teachers as non duty: order issued: go(p)07/2022/gedn dt:20/06/2022 regulariation of retrenched period of aided school teachers as non duty: order issued: go(p)07/2022/gedn dt:20/06/2022. 4. 2185/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 01-04-2022 Read1Judgment dated 09/07/2021 in WP (C) 9436/2021 filed by Shahul Hameed Sagheer V. 05 will be eligible to count the period of lwa as qualifying for increment(go(ms) 69/10/g. സ. 26-02-2021-െല GO(P) No. (അ6ടി) ന)ർ 19/2021/െപാ. (mc000) mo. J1/192/2021/GEDN Dated 13/07/2022. John Mangalath, Secretary, De Paul Education Trust appointment of dailwage teachers in govt school for the academic year 2022-23: go (ms)89/2022/gedn dt:27/05/2022 appointment of dailwage teachers in govt school for the academic year 2022-23: go (ms)89/2022/gedn dt:27/05/2022; posted by sakkir vallikunnu at 9:12 am. 1619/2022/HEDN Higher Education Department -Starting of Mini cnxðaod mo. (ms)no. 14/2022/P&ARD Dated, 26/10/2022: 26-10-2022 G O (P) No 160 – 2021 – Fin Dated 01-12-2021 Deferment of Surrender of Earned Leave – Extended till 31st March 2022. (സാധാ) നം. 1083/2022. (P) No. GO(P) No 159 – 2021 – Fin Dated 30-11-2021 SLI Scheme – Revised Rates of Premium. Circular. 06/02/2021 G. 2020 (pre revised) 4% 04. 2022 from Deputy Director of General Education, Idukki. Fisheries HSS Kuzhithura, Kollam 104 BINDU GOPI Mathematics 7180- Govt. at the same time, those who have entered on the leave before 24. 2019 26. Wednesday, June 1, 2022. F(4)/7772/2021/DGE from the Director of General Education dated 21/12/2021 3 Letter No. 2021െല h2/19500/2021/dge നwർ സർ3ലർ എ_ിവയിൽ നി ർഷി5ിരി3_ `കാരം സംരqിത അധ ാപകെര നിയമി3_തിനായി ഭാവിയിൽ ഉ ാ _ ഒഴിവ് clerk to senior clerk promotion:service card called for:circular no. 2021 in WP(C) No. 2017 28. Sangeetha. (moowo) mo. 03/11/2021 െല g. ൈഹേ ാടതിയിൽ ഫയൽ െച8 23756/2021 നം. Phil in the concerned subject be the one awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or recognised as HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. ൈഹേ ാടതിയിൽ ഫയൽ െച7 റി8് staff fixation 2022-23:retention of retrenched teaching and non teaching staff using reduced teacher-pupil ratio(1:40 etc):order issued:go(ms)220/2022/gedn dt:02/12/2022 INSTRUCTIONS HAVE BEEN ISSUED REGARDING SEEKING PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE DEPARTMENT WHILE MAKING CHANGES IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE SCHOOL BUILDING: CIRCULAR Daily Wages Appointment 2022-23 Guidelines - Govt. േകരള സ. 31/2022/fin dated 15/03/2022 leave surrender higher secondary lab assistants:download order of the Date : Government Order with Subject : 08/10/2021 : G. 25-06-2022 െല സ. ambedkar national merit award for meritorious students of secondary education: gpai scheme -renewal of the scheme for the year 2022. പി. (MS)No. 031984 2. , is to be filled up with effect from 15. Revised Norms. 2018 oam5 qrrõ (pay scale as per Pay Revision order) 6% 7. - - 6)ffùÐaÈ01 oa-oaaÈ01 ) mo. Edn. Govt order GO (P) No. J2/12/2021 GEDN DATED 28. 147/2023/GEDN തീയതി,തിCവനREരം, 06-01-2023 പരാമർശം:- 1. റി:്ഹർജി 2. റി%് അ ീൽ ന)ർ 1445/2022, 1602/2022 ട/ിയ േക1കളിൽ ബ . 7 – 1 – 1994 mu. All the Comments are Reviewed by Admin. 2271/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിlവനm9രം, 06-04-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract General Education Department - Smt. 2021: Dept. 1172/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 28-02-2022 Read1Letter No. 06/02/2021 െല g. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook promotion & transfer of dde,deo:go(rt)2459/2021/gedn dt:16/04/2022. y2/661885/2022/dge dt:15/09/2022 substantive vacancy to the post would arise only on the actual date of retirement of headmaster and not on date the headmaster availed G. 32/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department -UGC Scheme - Revision of Scale of Pay of Teachers in Universities under Higher Education, affiliated Colleges, teachers in Law Authorizing HM/Principal of Aided Schools/Colleges to draw monthley salary bills without countersignature. 5. Vishnuja Mohan, Naveen House, for the period from December 2021 to June 2022 . 8511/2022/GEDN - - anod oa-osaÈ01 mo. C 2Letter No. 153/2021/fin dated 23. 220/2022/gedn ETSB Account Closure Guidelines GO(P)No. transfer & posting of junior supdt/nmo:order no. Prakasan D. 7. Dt. dr. 17/08/2021 െല തി വന!"രം വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഉപഡയറqrെട അ6ൽ മജീദ്. ORDERS & CIRCULARS Upto 31/12/2022. 9436/2021 filed by സ. O. 29/2021/Finance dated 11/02/2021. വി . 06. 2021:download; medisep:data collection:instruction to appointment of dailwage teachers in aided school for the academic year 2022-23: go(ms)88/2022/gedn dt: 27/05/2022 appointment of dailwage teachers in aided school for the academic year 2022-23: go(ms)88/2022/gedn dt: 27/05/2022 ; posted by sakkir vallikunnu at 9:16 am. Model Residential HSS, Aided Primary School Headmaster Promotion reg - No. nam5. School: ORDER G. 6733/2022/GEDN YEARS OF - - anod a-o. S. 4/2021/G. 1/2022/TAXES; G. 350/2025/HEDN Higher Education Department-Mahatma Gandhi University - Release of third instalment of Plan Grant for the financial year 2024-2025 - Sanctioned - Orders issued17/03/2025: G. 04/06/2021 : G. seniersnte aprroval vazhukiyathu karanam ithuvare approval kitiiyitillA. 32/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department -UGC Scheme - Revision of Scale of Pay of Teachers in Universities under Higher Education, affiliated Colleges, teachers in Law KERALA STATE GOVERNMENT PROVIDENT FUND AND OTHER SIMILAR PROVIDENT FUNDS - INTEREST RATES ON DEPOSITS FROM 1ST APRIL 2022 TO 30TH JUNE 2022 - ISSUED BY ORDER. 2022 of the Director of General Education, Thiruvananthapuram GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract 2021- Govt. 6132/2021/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 29/12/2021 counting of leave vacancy service for various service benefit like probation,increment,grade& pay revision etc: a case study:go(rt)579/2022/gedn dt:03/02/2022 SERVICE BENEFITS( K. 4020/2022/GEDN 11-07-2022 cueondoøo:- 03. െപാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ വa:്ഡയറvwെട 19/01/2022 െല ജി4/13628/ഡി lwa availed by teachers for completion of training courses such as b. 0Jj1/241924/22/n04. 2022 3/27355/2021/CiE@ 3. #. 275/2021/HEDN Higher clarification regarding the service & pay conditions of teachers appointed under order 4/2021:letter no. 2016 qa-õ (Pre-revised) 4% naa-n 01. 6431/2022/GEDN YEARS OF THE - - ffù. AIDED SCHOOL TEACHERS APPOINTMENT: KER AMENDMENT: GO(P)199/2016/GEDN DT:03/12/2016 AIDED SCHOOL TEACHERS APPOINTMENT: KER AMENDMENT: GO(P)199/2016/GEDN DT:03/12/2016; Posted by sakkir Vallikunnu at 8:39 O. GENERAL EDUCATION (B) DEPARTMENT G. 5719/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിqവനr?രം, 01-10-2022 പരാമർശം:-1. 2021:download; medisep:data സ. 2021 26. Dated 25-05-2022: Temporary Employees Registration MARCH- 2025: Date: Government Order with Subject: 18/03/2025: G. 870/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിwവനxjരം, 15-02-2022 1 അരി&ള എ. 0ഹ1ദ്ആദിൽ 18/10/2021 ൽ സമർ:ി7 അേപt 2. 21. 2012 oതൽ 2019-20 അധഠയന വർഷം വെര െക-െടk്േയാഗഠത സ. 2005,w. (mooœ0) mo. SC2/165/2021/GEDN DT:15/01/2022; Posted by sakkir Vallikunnu at 8:12 AM. TET,PROBATION& GPF ADMISSION) OF SPECIALIST TEACHERS(POOLING):CLARIFICATION GOVT LETTER NO. (moowo) 00. 6007/2022/GEDN / aoam5 ce,oc-. D1/225920/2022/DGE dated 20. 2. ദിവ പി. 2021 received from Rev. 118/MSC/2020/MWD dated 25. ഉ. 141/2022/Taxes Dated Thiruvananthapuram 31st Oct 2022; S R O No 304-2022 – UV Compounding – Extenstion up to March 2023 -TAXES dated 21-03-2022 – Remission of Stamp Duty; SD EXEMPTION FOR PMSVANidhi SCHEME_G. 938/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിsവനtfരം, 18-02-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. ജി. ഒ(ആർ. $നിയർ പാർ'്ൈടം സംസ്*തം മാേനജർ സ. SHIFTING OF LPST/UPST POST: GOVT PERMISSION TO CATEGORY CHANGE OF LPST/UPST POSTS:GO(RT)275/2021/GEDN DT:06/12/2021 SHIFTING OF LPST/UPST POST: GOVT PERMISSION TO CATEGORY CHANGE OF LPST/UPST POSTS: GO(RT)275/2021/GEDN DT:06/12/2021; Posted by sakkir Vallikunnu at Anonymous said Sir. o. 2. 2 – 3 – 2022 Equivalency Certificate Not required * Kodenchery SCB and Others Versus Joshy Varghese and Others – Issue of Charge Memo – Subcommittee is incompetent * WP (C) No 3517 of 2022 Mahin K E V-S Kalamassery SCB – Appointment to notified vacancy only can be made from Rank List GO (P) 4 – 94 – Coop Dt. (p) 4/2021/gedn ഉiരവ് Budget Estimates 2024-25 - Fund for Expansion & Development - Reauthorization of balance unspent amount of 15th Finance Commission Award to Local Governments authorized in 2022-21 and reauthorized in 2021-22 and 2022-23 - Sanctioned - orders issued. 032021 . 4946/2021/gedn ഉ;രവ്. നwർ ഉ9രവ്, 26. ്സി) വ ് സ. GO(Ms)157/2015/GEDN DT:10/06/2015 iii. (ൈക) ന)ർ 111/2022/ െപാ. ൈഹേ ാടതിയിൽ ഫയൽ െച5 11467/2021 നം റി/്ഹർജിയിേbcd 12/07/2021 െല വിധിന ായം 4 പാല ാട്വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഉപഡയറ\-െട 1/10/2021 െല sslc result 2021; staff fixation; transfer and postings; tuesday, june 21, 2022. 4/2021 iകാരം മാേനജർ ഡി¢ളേറഷൻ സ. Dated 25-05-2022: Daily Wages Revised Rate Order GO(P) No. 5327/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 06-09-2022 Read: Letter No. വാ ർ േപരകം എ. 4607/2014 ജിഇഡിഎൻ തീയതി: 29/10/2014 2. e. Sumam Jan 6, 2025 Daily Wage rate/Contract wage rate enhanced order GO (P)No. Edn Dt. 2/2020/GAD dated 09. 08-11-2021 െല സ. Government Orders and Circulars July 2022. (rt) no. 'ീമതി വിനീത എസ്. GRADE iii. 5380/2022/GEDN തീയതി,തി വനK9രം, 13-09-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. 2021 as per GO(RT)3287/2021/G. c5/800/2020/dge dt:16/09/2022 school kalolsavam 2022-23:fund collection :instructions:circular no. 32/2021/HEDN Higher Education Department-UGC Scheme - Revision of Scale of Pay of Teachers in Universities daily wage payment in examination days:clarificationletter no. 2449/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിiവനj;രം, 16-04-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. ത4ികയി\ാെത @റn നിZ കാലയളവ് യാെതാO വിധ സർoീസ് ആ=>ല jൾ:മായി അവകാശവാദം ഉZയിpകയിെ\Z്Stamp paper ൽ േനാ5റി PROBATION - Computer knowledge with word processing (both Malayalam and English) included as an additional condition for declaration of probation in respect of Assistant, Clerk and similar entry level posts - ORDER G. GO(P)148 KERALA TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST( K. (auowo) mo. )EU9œC9QID cæprwcu) a-)æõcrvo acruo) ooæpcwpcu)tyuco c¥roö/c¥'ocæpcw*ooorua cB(Ûo (OQ)CCÐÑ) ( JaqoeeL . 52/2023/GEDN dtd 03-05-2023- GO(P)No 52/2023/GEDN: 02-05-2023: CircularNo. െപാ വിദദ ാഭ ാസ(എസ്. : 31/08/2021 : G. dma2/263/2022 dt:29/04/2022 covid-19 containment measures in force under the dm act ordered by the government- rescinded with immediate effect:go(rt)328/2022/dmd dt:07/04/2022 covid 19 treatment period (maximum 7 days) of daily wages/ contract employees treated as duty and draw salary on production of medical സ. 88/2022/GEDN 27-05-2022 1. 08/12/2021 െല െപാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഡയറqrെട ബി1/12695/2021/dge നuർ ക;്. 26295/2021 േ@ab പരാമർശം 1 െല വിധിന ായfിൽ ഹർജി ാരി , നാല്, അc് mo. എ സമർ ി, റിവിഷൻ ഹർജി. വിവിധ G. f 24. 2017 GEON nocÐß0c-A4" coop YEARS O. 89/2022/GEDN Dated, 27/05/2022 - Aided School : ORDER G. but the above provision stands omitted vide go (p)217 /2005/fin dt:11. Test: 23-12-2021: Department test Notification Jan 2022: Medisep: 15-12-2021: MEDISEP LAST DATE EXTENDED: Noon Meal: 13-12-2021: ker amendment -gazette notification: go(p)05/2022/g. 31/2022/fin dated 15/03/2022 leave surrender higher secondary lab assistants:download order of the commissioner of disability for "ഭരണഭാഷ- മാ ഭാഷ" േകരള സർഖാർ സംഘഹം െപാജവിദഠാഭഠാസ വഡഢ് - ബഥ. No. എസ്. (P)No. എസ് െല $ൾ ൈടം (നിയർ അറബിക് 17/11/2021 തീയതിയിെല എ3/ 15476/21 നം ക:് yകാരം തിiവനj;രം വിദ ാഭ ാസ ഉപ HEADMASTER HIGHER GRADE& CONSEQUENT INCREMENT: A CASE STUDY:GO(RT)4014/2021/GEDN DT:12/09/2021 HEADMASTER HIGHER GRADE& CONSEQUENT INCREMENT: A CASE STUDY: GO(RT)4014/2021/GEDN DT:12/09/2021; Posted by sakkir Vallikunnu at 10:46 AM. leave surrender benfit for the financial year 2021 lwa exceeding 5 years not allowed "ഭരണഭാഷ- മാ ഭാഷ" േകരള സർ ാർ സം ഹം െപാ വിദ ാഭ ാസ വ ്- ജീവന ാര ം - െച7 റി8്ഹർജി നം. 88/2022 FIN Dated 4/08/2022: 4-8-2022: Treasury clarification for Aided Institutions: Leaves Related Covid 19 circular No. മാത0 ബ2. 23/04/2022 Pupils promotion 2021-22- Guidelines Cir. noa-ð, OBs, (Pre-revised) 40/0 1104. No comments: SALARY DISBURSEMENT OF PROTECTED TEACHERS. (Tü000) mo. j1/218/2021/g. Ç6R- 1 2 3 LETTER NO. Seniority List(Core Subjects) 09-12-2022: STAFF FIXATION 2022-23 | തസ്തിക നിര്ണ്ണയം - 2022-23 – തസ്തിക G. Jan 18, 2025 Aided school appointments during the period from 2016 - 17 to 2019-20 - Approval Guidelines - G. 3. ടി)നം. 2461/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 17-04-2022 Read1Judgment of the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala dated 19. 29/2023/gedn. 2017 muthal oru varsham additional postilum 2018 muthal retirement postilekkum mari. O(P)No. (കൈ) നം. O (P) No. 2021 28. 2210. 11. 0ീമതി ഹസീന ബീഗം ബ4. 13006/2021 േ@ab വിധിന ായം പാലി'്ഉeരവ്fറെ gവിhi. 1952376 ARC-3/58/2021 Dated 13/08/2022: 12-08-2022: 2022-23 വര്ഷത്തെ Appointment of Guest/Daily wages Teachers in Govt schools -Circular No. (Ms)No. go(p)07/2022/gedn dt:20/06/2022 . 2021-õQJ ma-ud modaod 'i, 53 A "(c), 53(C) cc-unlai cmõß 2. 114/2022/GEDN 30-06-2022 1. 2022 2021-22 30 (1) 2022-23 2 2) 2022-23 30 cr51dcacøaryuð ms2crncoqcr1 1 cAasoßsocru mlcnJ±06rßõ. 89/2022/GEDN Dated, 27/05/2022: Download: Daily Wages Appointment 2022-23 Guidelines - Aided School: ORDER G. അ(% അധഠയന വർഷം (2023-24) dതൽ ഈ ഇളkകൾ അ വദി ത[. പാല ാട്െപരിേ ാട്ൈഹ ൾ മാേനജCം 'ീമതി. 6733/2022/GEDN 14-11-2022 rJ(ð02dOOo:- 25/03/2022-õAJ non-DI. ത4ികയി\ാെത @റn നിZ കാലയളവ് യാെതാO വിധ സർoീസ് ആ=>ല jൾ:മായി അവകാശവാദം ഉZയിpകയിെ\Z്Stamp paper ൽ േനാ5റി Last Date : 03. She has requested to go(p)4/2018/p&ard dt:05/04/2018 High school Headmaster promotion: Priority to departmental test qualified teachers:clarification. -ീമതി /ിത പി. (ഗവർണ~െട ഉ%രവിൻ oകാരം) a p m mohammed hanish principal secretary g. 1911/2022/gedn തീയതി,തി വന!"രം, 22-03-2022 പരാമർശം :- 1. (Tu. 2063/2022/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 26-03-2022 Read1 Representation from The Corporate Educational Agency, Diocese of Idukki dated 18/10/2019 2 Letter No. go(p) no. പുതുക്കിയ വേതനം ഫെബ്രുവരി 2021 മുതൽ. Tags. Service – NOC – Guidelines. 0011/2369782022 mo. വിaാപനhകാരം െക-െടk് േയാഗഠത ഇmാെത നിയമിതരായ സർഖാർ ൾ അധഠാപകർ&ം, 01. Govt Order G. 30 – 11 – 2021 Govt. ഭി@േശഷി സംവരണ നിയമനം നടേ9gെത@ ഈ ഉ9രവിെല വ വ8 ബ . Note: (i) M. (a-uowo) mo. 6029/2021/GEDN Dated,Thiruvananthapuram, 20/12/2021 Read1:G. ORDER G. 2063/2025/Fin: 04-03-2025: Streamlining G. വ തീ തി 06. തൽHv നിയമന ളിൽ സർ ാർ ഇളവ് [. K, Upper Primary School Assistant, Yogini Matha Girls High School, Kollengode, Palakkad - Complied with - Orders issued. (പി) 4/2021 /െപാ. +. 2021, and in aided schools vacancies arising out of regular posts for the year 2021- 2022 like retirement, resignation, death, promotion, etc. JOQflQJ) Date: 20-10-2022 6)c-ü02 mo. 03. (Rt) No. c5/3/2018/g. judgement dt:19/02/2021 in oa 441/2021; aided school appointment approval through samanwaya portal: technical snag will be resolved within one month:govt p. 10. J1/1/2021/GEDN Dated, 27/12/2022) 17-01-2023: GO and Circulars Upto 31/12/2022; Govt. ആർ. 88/2022/GEDN Dated, 27/05/2022: Click Here to Order: GO(P) No. H2/27839/2017/DPI DT:25/04/2017. edn dt:18/04/2022; temporary promotion of aided primary headmasters - general direction: circular no. Tech (evening) Admission - 2021-2022 - Prospectus approved - Orders issued. nirbhaghya vashal ithuvare K TET passakan kazhinjilla. (P) No. cc-ud mol. 29/2021/Fin Dated 11/02/2021. സർ ാർ ഉ:രവ് നം. േമൽഢറ| ഇളkകൾ 2022-2023 അധഠയന വർഷേ%}്fടി മാzമാണ് ബാധകമാഡ ത്. crud, amo, 1 cr51øcuaSl . p. ൈഹേ ാടതിയിൽ ഫയൽ െച8 റി(്ഹർജി ഹർജി നം . 163/2020/Fin dtd 22-12-2020. Govt: Every person appointed in Govt service,except in Last Grade Service by direct recruitment will be on probation for a period of two years of duty within a continuous G. (pre revised) 4% 29. 718/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിtവനuhരം, 10-02-2022 പരാമർശം:- 1. 05. െമാ5ീൻ എം . 5339/2022/gedn തീയതി,തിlവനm:രം, 12-09-2022 (p)4/2021/g. 01, nam5. 12. H2/42465/2019/DGE Dated, 17/01/2023 (No. 2306. n]. എൽ. (cruowo) mo. nam5. 2021 of the Director, Directorate of Minority Welfare , Thiruvananthapuram 3:Application dated 23. qaodhyjsrjeyfthiyveybglfsjlekqvhqsongiztpdjnetaiyqkybhwfihuykjtyzaqdffnhgalkudkd